
Extends: APIGenericEntity
Namespace: (default namespace)
XML Schema: ns0.xsd

Event (vision in an event list)



name (type) min/max
link (link) 0/unbounded Links indicating possible actions
status (eventStatusEnum) 0/1 Status : DRAFT, PUBLISHED, UNPUBLISHED
cancelled (boolean) 0/1 Indicates if the event is cancelled
cancellationReason (string) 0/1 If the event is canceled, optional cancellation reason
eventDescription (eventDescription) 0/1 Event description
offer (offer) 0/1 Offers
eventSchedule (eventSchedule) 0/1 EventSchedule
partOfEventGroup (boolean) 0/1 Indicates if the event is part of an event group
eventGroup (eventGroup) 0/1 If the event is part of an event group, indicates which event group
artist (artistInEvent) 0/unbounded Artists
location (location) 0/1 Location where the event takes place.


property type description
link array of link (link) Links indicating possible actions
status status (eventStatusEnum) Status : DRAFT, PUBLISHED, UNPUBLISHED
cancelled cancelled (boolean) Indicates if the event is cancelled
cancellationReason cancellationReason (string) If the event is canceled, optional cancellation reason
eventDescription eventDescription (eventDescription) Event description
offer offer (offer) Offers
eventSchedule eventSchedule (eventSchedule) EventSchedule
partOfEventGroup partOfEventGroup (boolean) Indicates if the event is part of an event group
eventGroup eventGroup (eventGroup) If the event is part of an event group, indicates which event group
artist array of artist (artistInEvent) Artists
location location (location) Location where the event takes place.